I’m not very flexible, should I do yoga?
The short answer is. . . YES! Most people do not come to yoga because they are already flexible. Those who are, (think ex-gymnasts and ballerinas) are often coming to yoga because they are injured, overworked and mentally drained due to challenging and competitive environments.
Think of it this way, anything you practice, you do so in order to get better at it. NOT because you are already a master.
I have an injury, now what?
First of all, you should always let your teacher know. Whether you have a torn ligament, bulging disk or just a bit of an ache at your achilles tendon. Let them know before class begins what is ailing you. Ask for help if you feel you may need modifications and never “push past” pain. There are times when rest is needed and time away from practicing yoga might be the best answer. I am always happy to have individual conversations to help figure out what is best for you.
How do I know if a private lesson is right for me?
Private lessons are perfect for folks who are returning to their practice after a hiatus, recovering from an injury or those seeking to refine their form or technique. You need not be a “serious yogi” to invest in a private lesson. In fact, private lessons can be the perfect catalyst for beginners or those new to yoga to get started. Working with a teacher one on one allows you to gain insights to your preferences, habits, injuries and foibles. When students receive personalized teachings, they make connections within themselves that might not have happened in a group setting.
What should I wear?
Wear what is comfortable for you! Most folks are happiest in fabrics that have a bit of stretch. This does not mean it has to be lycra and no fancy brands are required. That said, a t-shirt that tucks in or stays down over your belly is helpful. Sweats, yoga pants, baggie or fitted, its your choice. If you’re wearing shorts, please make sure you’re covered when your leg(s) are in a the air. ;)