Acupuncture FAQ

  • Does acupuncture hurt?

    Acupuncture generally causes minimal discomfort and is often described as painless or only slightly uncomfortable. The needles are very thin—much finer than those used for injections. Most people feel little to no sensation when they are inserted. Some may experience a mild tingling, warmth, or a dull ache around the insertion point, which is a sign that the treatment is working to stimulate energy or Qi (blood flow). If you are still nervous, just let Nina know, she will put you at ease and has many techniques to help you relax.

  • Other options besides needles?

    Ok, so you’re still worried about the “needle thing”? Nina uses various techniques other than needles such as cupping, moxibustion (the burning of an herb called Mugwort on or near the skin), Gua Sha, teishin (non insertive needle technique), magnets, ion pumping cords, Tui Na (Chinese massage) and more. Often these modalities are used stand alone or in conjunction with acupuncture needles. Nina will always be honest in advising the best technique for efficient healing.

  • What can acupuncture treat?

    Acupuncture is widely recognized for its effectiveness in managing various conditions, particularly those involving pain and stress. Research and clinical practice highlight its benefits for: chronic pain, migraines and headaches, post operative recovery, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, insomnia, neuropathy, stroke recovery, digestive health (IBS or IBD), women’s health, allergies, sinusitis, asthma and more.

  • What should I wear?

    Please wear loose comfortable clothing such as gym shorts, baggie yoga pants (not yoga tights), t shirts or tank tops. Many acupuncture points are easily accessible on the arms, legs, belly and back.  If other areas of your body are needed, I may ask you to undress in privacy and you will be fully draped with a sheet.

    If you are coming from work, please pack your clothes and you can change when you get to the office.

  • When will I feel better (aka, how much is this going to cost)?

    No one wants you to feel better faster than me (ok, maybe you do). AND, I am deeply invested in getting you back to doing the things you love.

    Chronic conditions (longer than 3 months) take longer to heal; 6-12 treatments is a very rough estimate. Acute conditions can clear up potentially after 1-3 treatments. That said, not all ailments are appropriate or successful with acupuncture. I will always refer you out to the appropriate physician/modality when necessary.

    At your first appointment, I will conduct a detailed intake of medical history, lifestyle, and current symptoms. I will create a treatment plan which includes the estimated amount of treatments and length of time over weeks. A re-evaluation is set halfway through your plan to make sure we’re staying on track.

Still not sure?

No problem. Let’s talk. No one wants to waste their time or money. I am happy to set up a free 15 minute consultation to discuss what you are seeking care for.